my son had an endoscopy and colonoscopy and has esophagitus from his reflux (silent). he is on neocate- had blood in stools and the dr. thought he had allergic colitis from his milk/soy allergy, as well. the biopsy showed the inflammed colon has cleared up since starting the neocate so that’s good. has anyone else dealt with esophagitus? how long did it last and what did you do to help your lo? my son is on prevacid, 7.5 twice a day, and has been on it for 3 months. the dr wants to continue this for another 6 weeks and then if he still has problems he wants to try nexium?? our son has a feeding aversion that comes and goes. we thought it was gone a few weeks ago because he was doing so great but then it came back! his symptoms come and go. thanks for your help!
I would check out the dosing on Your ds’s current dose is on the low end & is probably why he’s still having reflux pain & irritation…as well as the feeding aversion.
15mg is as high as my dr. will give. i’ve talked to him about it before. we’re seeing a new pediatrician next week so i will get her opinion on that, too. thanks!
before pediatrician appointment, maybe you want to write everything out and FAX it to her/him? make it short & sweet and FACTUAL- no emotions- just what has happened, worked, etc and STATE reasons for WHY increase in PPI is necessary- send Marci-kids info, too, send esophogitis info and YES it’s clearing up but WHY you NEED increased dose to see more improvement, etc…