So, Kaden has been on Enfamil regular formula for 11 days now (was on enfamil thickened) and is doing FANTASTIC!!!!!
I am so incredibly happy, I could cry!!! The thick formula was getting hard to find, and was costing $30.00 every 4 days. Nothing in comparison to the people that have to pay for elemental/special formulas but, it was beginning to become a struggle for us, with 4 mouths to feed, plus my husband and I. So, I took a chance. I thought, well, we can always go back. And you know what???? He is keeping it down for the most part. He has his days, and there are more burp breaks, and I feed him slowly. But, it is working. I am so happy for that. We are using the concentrate, as it seems thicker than powder.
He is still on 1.5ml of Ranitidine, but we are down to twice a day. Hopefully this means that the worse of the reflux is over, and we are on a positive slide. Oh, and as much as he wasn’t keeping down, he is gaining so well. At his 6 month appt 2 weeks ago (just shy of 6 months), he weighed in at a whopping……………..19lbs 4 oz!!!!!
Just had to share. I think of you guys often when his reflux acts up, and hope that all of you have a positive story such as mine, to share one day soon!!!