I mean what does an upper gi tell tell them? My ped doctor is ordering one for my ds on monday and im not really sure what they tell them.. i mean i kno they watch the barium go up and down but what exactly is the purpose of it and what happens to your child after they have one? Like do they usually do surgery or medicine or what?
aspiration is when liquid gets into the lungs- there is a test for this called the Swallow Study. It looks at the mechanics of baby swallowing and watches to see if liquid is getting into lungs when drinking a bottle. This is different than an Upper GI. Upper GI is not to determine reflux bcse it’s a snap shot in time- so if baby is not actually refluxing at the time of the Upper GI this does not mean that baby doesn’t have reflux- it just means baby didn’t happen to reflux at the time of the Upper GI.
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