Ashlynn is almost 14 months and still has reflux when will this stop. What age was your lo when they out grew it? Where are going back to the GI dr the 19th of Aug. for a fu to her reflux. I do not feel that she is in pain, but I could be wrong. She is taking Nexium at night (10mg),so night she sleeps good other nights she does not. When it comes to eating she eats everything, if you would let her she proably would eat your hand.haha
When she was a infant she was know has a comfort eater. Do you think that this could still be the case?
When she does reflux she does not spit up. I can just hear it (sounds like a burp). A couple of times last week she had the smell of vomit in her mouth , but she is teething about 4 at one time
I hope this makes a little since becasue I am not a very good typer or speller.
Thanks girls
stcwatt2008-07-29 17:23:22