My name is Christie and I have two daughters Alyssa 10, and Kylee 4 months. I had never heard of infant reflux, my oldest daughter did not have any problems when she was born she only had a milk intolerance. Now Kylee is a different story, when she was about 2 weeks old she would cry for hours non-stop and nothing would help. At first I thought it was colic and began to search the internet looking for some answers. Finally, I came across infant reflux and began making the connection. I had been to the doctor several times and we changed her formula three times. She is on Nutramigen due to MSPI and has been on Prevacid since she was three weeks old. She is doing well, however just this week my family has been battling a terrible stomach virus and Kylee became the latest victim. I took her to the doctor on Wednesday and they had me stop giving her the Prevacid because she was vomiting so much. I have asked her doctor and she said it could take a couple of days for her stomach to readjust after the stomach virus, but I am starting to see her regress to the behaviors before she was diagnosed. Well it is Sunday and she is still vomiting in large amounts and refusing to eat. She is still off of her medicine, I was wondering if this could now be side effects from not taking her medicine. She is very irritable, fussy, arching her back, vomiting and not eating a lot. Has anyone had to stop using medicine on their child due to an illness, what happens?