Hi there,
I’ve given Lucas probiotics, but not for super long periods of time. Not that I didn’t want to do it for long periods of time but at times he has taken so many things via syringe, it was just always hard to keep up with giving everything. It was recommended to me by my chiropractor, she recommended pribiotics as well as aloe vera juice. We have done the aloe for months at a time and I feel like it helped Lucas. I got our probiotics at a local health food store, I want to say the brand was natures’s way?? It said it was safe for babies and could even be added to infant formula. It also had to be refrigerated.
On the antibiotics thing, that’s so interesting. I’ve been wondering why my little guy has all his problems. We have no close link to reflux, my father’s first cousin has it and his daughter as well, but it’s not that close of a link. We have no food allergies that we know of in the family. I wasn’t on a single medication during pregnancy, I never even took tylenol. But the thing I always wonder is that my son was born 4-5 weeks early (the doc and I didn’t fully agree on the due date). I’ve seen other babies on these forums who were born early and I just wonder if their little systems just weren’t done yet. Who knows? Lucas didn’t have solids until about 7 mos old, and we’ve tried to be safe with foods in every possible way. I did have a ton of dairy during pregnancy, but I think that’s fairly normal in the US, if you’re of European descent and not lactose intolerant.