well, the TED isn’t meant for longterm use, it’s meant more as a diagnostic tool if you were- it’s ‘just’ 2 (or 3) weeks. personally, I don’t think I even lost any weight! that’s me though, I breastfed both babies & wasn’t one of the mamas who lost (significant) weight by breastfeeding. I mean I didn’t gain weight & I did slowly lose weight until I weaned (at 15 months for both boys), but I’m more of the type of breastfeeding mama who is STARVING & so then I just take that as a sign to pig out, LOL!!!
so anyway I’ve never heard of ketones or releasing toxins…I just was desperate, read about the Dr. Sears Elimination Diet and I just did it…I was at my wit’s end, truly. I also really didn’t feel in my heart of hearts that my baby was MSPI but like i said, I was desperate & wanted to try whatever I could to make my poor shrieking, howling baby feel better. so in my case, it was a good thing for me because I then knew my baby was not MSPI and I also then knew that there were foods that I ate that affected him & I avoided those foods after that…
there are women who find vitamins & supplements to take while doing the TED, like calcium & a multi-vitamin, that are ‘free’ of everything- milk, soy, gluten, etc…I didn’t do that, I guess I figured it was ‘only’ 2 weeks, but again I just jumped on board w/o thinking that much…if I HAD thought about it I would have researched more, like you are but also it was 4 & 1/2 years ago & I didn’t have much to go on, LOL.
ok I rambled on way too much & didn’t answer your question
i hope I helped in some way, though!