It’s been a long time since we posted so first let me apologize.
Hannah has had an amazing rollercoaster of a first year but all was successful.
She caught up motorically and now at 15 months is a walker and talker….
Anyway she was on Elecare for ages following tests and procedures due to suspected MSPI after being on several different formulas and having bloody stools….
we were eventually able to make a successful transition onto soy formula.
Though extremely gradual it was beyond a success as she no longer had feeding aversion..go figure what a good tasting drink can do ( meds also helped alleviate her reflux)
We worked really hard and she became an awesome eater with regards to solids thank g-d and finally took her bottles like a champ.
After she turned one we attempted to transition her onto cow’s milk as she hadn’t shown any signs and really loved her yogurt and cheeses (which apparently are different to cow’s milk with regards to the protein) and we were successful making the gradual move until it became 3/4 milk : 1/4 soy formula.
Then came the bleeding exactly the way she had it as an infant.
So we went back to soy formula and attempted to introduce soy milk the same SLOW methodical way.
The same exact thing happened more bleeding again.
Brought her to doc and they want us to cut out everything dairy and soy!!!
The problem is she flipped her lid asking for her Baba.
I told the doctors that it isn’t fair to her nor to us (mainly us) to put her through behavioral issues because we are trying to deal with the medical so I suggested that we give her the Baba with elecare which will give us the same effect since no milk nor soy.
Finally my point sorry……
She was beggin for it but then HATED it!!
I guess after enjoying the good life for so long she doesn’t want that “stuff”
We are going to try to get the vanilla perscribed but wanted to know if anyone knows a way to make it a bit “tastier” ??
If not we may just be starting the full weaning before any of us wwere ready.
Thanks so much!!!!