Hi. I have been working with my son on sleeping through the night using CIO, since his tummy issues are under control. He has done really well, except some nights I wake up and there he is beside me and I have no idea how he got there. I know he didn’t get there on his own, and since teleportation does not run on either side of the family, I assume that I get up and get him with out being awake–or at least not remembering it. I have done this even in a strange house where he is several doors away. How can I stop doing this? I have never had a history of sleepwalking before that I know of.
DH is not playing with me for certain (he’s not that type–very serious and quiet) and I am not taking any kind of sleep aid either. I was pretty sleep-deprived this past year–DS waking up 8-10 times or more per night. But he’s not waking like that and has not been for the past month or so.
so, I say: enjoy the snuggles and cuddles now, bcse before you know it, it’s “eeew, get away from me!” (thank goodness we’re not there yet at 2 & 1/2 ++, but jonah is all about DADDY right now…)
emmy, you are not sleepwalking—-you’re just really tired. i’ve ended up with kids in my bed—and don’t remember how they got there. now that i take lunesta—-sometimes i don’t remember how or when i got MYSELF to bed.
I hazard a guess that the only folks as sleep deprived as some of us have been serving in the military in some fashion….I remember as a kid often not knowing how I got into bed, and even as an adult without serious sleep deprivation, not remembering getting into bed. You’re probably finally sleeping so well your brain doesn’t know what to do!!