I have to say that I had a breakthrough with my little guy about 3 weeks ago. He’s had GERD since his 5th week and has been on 30mg of Prevacid since late January. He’s also on Alimentum formula. He came down with the flu in early April and STOPPED eating anything but Pedialyte for a week. When we reintrouced formula, he wouldn’t take it with rice cereal. Before he got sick he would eat 24oz on a good day (4 bottles of 6oz of formula and 7tsp of rice cereal). After his sickness we got rid of the rice cereal and he’s up to 30 oz of formula a day. He eats every 3-4 hours which is a huge step for him because he was only eating every 5-6 hours before the flu. He’s stil on his Prevacid and we have slowly been introducing solids. My suggestion is to cut out the rice for a few days and see if her intake goes up.
My son was in the 3rd percentile and now that we’ve stopped the rice he’s gained a pound in 2 1/2 weeks. That’s HUGE for him. I would have never cut out the rice but he kind of did it for us. I say trust your baby and see if it works. I talked with a nutritionist and she told me the amounts of foods he should be eating per day. Ever since that I’ve been feeding him 2x a day and he’s been getting the hang of it. Now I can’t eat anything in front of him without him wanting it.
Right now he’s eating avocado, sweet potato, carrots, oatmeal, arrowroot cookies/biscuits, chicken, pears, and banannas. A new food every 3 days is what I’ve been told. And if it gives him gas…I can’t feed it to him…it upsets him too much. Just start slow and it will all work out. I suggest talking to a Nutritionist and finding out how much she should be eating at this age.
much luck to you and Gabby,