Okay, so most of you know Addy’s story. She has Food Protein Induced Entercolitis Syndrome (well, at least thats what the docs have narrowed it down to). She has been on Neocate since 7 months and hasn’t been able to tolerate ANY solids (she’s 14 months old). So last week, I gave her a organic cheerio bc I was eating them. (I never give her food, I guess it was a moment of weakness.) And I probably ended up giving her 4 total (broken into pieces since she’s never eaten anything like that, I didn’t want her to get choked). And no signs of any reactions the next day. So everyday for the past 5 days, I have been letting her eat more and more cheerios each day with NO REACTION YET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I haven’t even mentioned it to anyone (but my dh) until today bc I didn’t want to jinx it or have to tell everyone again when her symptoms came back. I know most people are probably like…big deal, she can eat cheerios but this is a HUGE thing in our lives! I am so excited for her…and for me!!!! It is just wonderful!!!!!!!!!!!! I was crying so hard this afternoon bc I am so overwhelmed with pure joy!
Tracy that is AWESOME!!!!!!!!! What a HUGE step!!!!!! I am so happy for you and for Addy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Maybe it will only get better from here!!!!!!! Congrats!!!!
Christine, she LOVES them! Her face was priceless yesterday when we went out to lunch and I pulled them out of her diaper bag…she was like “really, I get to have them?!” It means so much to me to share this with all of you!