Well we are getting no where fast!!!
Pead GI’s in this country are pretty rare and to find one on the NHS is months of waiting as are the normal peads!!!!!
So we saw a private dr and of course now Kaylee has gotten worse and worse he has gone on a 3 week holiday
I just can’t understand whats going on, i mean she is never pain free but we will have some good days and then some horrendous days i just can’t figure it out!!
We have been trying the omeprazole 30mg and it seems to be helping but i am running out of meds and yet to find a dr who will/can prescribe the 30mg, we only got to try it for 4 days but it seemed to help a bit but maybe it would help more over a longer time?
Also we are still on the dairy/soy free diet which maybe helps? but she still has mucous poos and what looks like blood in them since starting solids?!? so maybe she is allergic to something else?
Yesterday was awful she just screamed all day and couldn’t sleep, she woke 5 times last night and fed all night as in the day she had only fed 2 times she has been badly constipated for 2 weeks due to solids? so i have been giving her lactulose to help her go.
Now we are back to complete Sandifers sydrome behaviour all day.
I am still trying to find a dr to prescribe Prevacid and i’m hoping someone will call me today (not holding my hopes up though)
Also I have some Maalox but no dr has said i can give it to her!! Did you all get your drs permission or not? What dosage should i give? I will only give it at bad times !