I’m posting this in a couple of places to get the maximum responses! Does anyone have teething remedies that don’t require medicine or hyland’s tablets? Our daughter is getting either her eye teeth or molars VERY SLOWLY! For a month she has been miserable with all the classic signs of teething. I simply cannot keep giving her medicine (tylenol/motrin) on a daily basis as there is no telling how long these teeth will take to break through. I’ve come to the conclusion that we’re going to need some other ideas! I have tried every teething ring I could find, including the soft freezer teethers and the vibrating teether. She’s not crazy about the frozen or chilled teethers or washcloths. Any other ideas would be appreciated. I can distract her with videos and toys but that is short-lived.
I have always used the old stantard oragel (or little teethers) Although you can’t give it every day, you can give it on those days when they seem extra fussy and hurting (tonight was one of those for my little guy, who like your daughter has been teething for like 2 months!!) The thing I like about this is that you can give it 4 times a day, so they get at least one day or 2 a week of total relief.I use this method on aidan, giving the oragel 3ish times a day (not more than the box suggests) 2 days a week, and it really helps us ALL to have a happy baby for a day!!! I hope those teeth pop in soon!!! Aidansmom792006-7-10 22:19:51